Helbig, Hermann (2020). Welträtsel aus Sicht der modernen Wissenschaft. Berlin: Springer, second edition. https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662607619.
Helbig, Hermann (2018). Welträtsel aus Sicht der modernen Wissenschaft. Berlin: Springer, first edition. https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662562871.
Helbig, Hermann and Ingo Phoenix (2018). The logical structure of semantic networks and its role in natural language processing. In CICLing 2018 (edited by Gelbukh, Alexander). https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig_phoenix18.pdf.
Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; and Ingo Phoenix (2014). Automatic generation of large knowledge bases using deep semantic and linguistically founded methods. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014) (edited by Duval, Beatrice; Jaap van den Herik; Stephane Loiseau; and Joaquim Filipe), pp. 297-304. Angers, France.
Hartrumpf, Sven and Hermann Helbig (2014). Semantische Suche und Stichwortsuche: ein Vergleich von Ansatz und Ergebnissen auf einem deutschsprachigen Dokumentenarchiv. info 7: Medien, Archive, Information, 29(2):62-66.
Helbig, Hermann and Rainer Osswald (2013). Electronic dictionaries for question answering and natural language database access. In Dictionaries. An International Encyklopedia of Lexicography (HSK 5.4) (edited by Gouws, Rufus; Ulrich Heid; Wolfgang Schweickard; and Herbert Wiegand). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Helbig, Hermann (2011). Keynote talk: Multilayered extended semantic networks as a knowledge representation paradigm and interlingua for meaning representation. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS-2011). Florence, Italy: Knowledge Systems Institute, Skookie, IL, USA.
Tim vor der Brück, Hermann Helbig (2010). Validating meronymy hypotheses with support vector machines and graph kernels. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 243-250. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Press.
vor der Brück, Tim and Hermann Helbig (2010). Retrieving meronyms from texts using an automated theorem prover. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL), 25(1):57-81. http://www.jlcl.org/2010_Heft1/tim_vorderbrueck.pdf.
Furbach, Ulrich; Ingo Glöckner; Hermann Helbig; and Björn Pelzer (2010). Logic-based question answering. KI Künstliche Intelligenz, 24(1):51-55.
vor der Brück, Tim; Sven Hartrumpf; and Hermann Helbig (2008b). A readability checker with supervised learning using deep syntactic and semantic indicators. In Proceedings of the 11th International Multiconference: Information Society - IS 2008 - Language Technologies (edited by Erjavec, Tomaž and Jerneja Žganec Gros), pp. 92-97. Ljubljana, Slovenia. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/brueck_hartrumpf_helbig08.pdf.
vor der Brück, Tim; Sven Hartrumpf; and Hermann Helbig (2008a). A readability checker with supervised learning using deep indicators. Informatica, 32(4):429-435.
vor der Brück, Tim; Hermann Helbig; and Johannes Leveling (2008c). The readability checker DeLite. Technical Report 345-5/2008, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, FernUniversität in Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/DeLite_techreport.pdf.
Furbach, Ulrich; Ingo Glöckner; Hermann Helbig; and Björn Pelzer (2008). LogAnswer - A deduction-based question answering system. In Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 139-146. Berlin: Springer.
Helbig, Hermann (2008). Wissensverarbeitung und die Semantik der Natürlichen Sprache - Wissensrepräsentation mit MultiNet. Berlin: Springer, second edition. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540762768#otherversion=9783540762782.
Helbig, Hermann; Ingo Glöckner; and Rainer Osswald (2008). Layer structures and conceptual hierarchies in semantic representations for NLP. In CICLing 2008 (edited by Gelbukh, Alexander), volume 4919 of LNCS, pp. 171-182. Berlin: Springer.
Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2007). Automatic semantic analysis for NLP applications. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 26(2):241-266.
Helbig, Hermann and Ingo Glöckner (2007a). Reasoning over semantic networks - a typology of axioms for natural language inference. In Workshop on Modeling and Representation in Computational Semantics (MRCS-07) (edited by Sengupta, Gautam; Soma Paul; Renjini Narendranath; and Rajasekhar Batchu), pp. 30-34. Hyderabad, India.
Helbig, Hermann and Ingo Glöckner (2007b). The role of intensional and extensional interpretation in semantic representations - The intensional and preextensional layers in MultiNet. In Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS 2007) (edited by Sharp, Bernadette and Michael Zock), pp. 92-105. INSTICC Press, Portugal.
Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2006a). An architecture for controlling simple language in web pages. eMinds: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, 1(2):93-112.
Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2006b). An architecture for rating and controlling text readability. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2006, pp. 32-35. Konstanz, Germany. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:352-opus-20131.
Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; and Hermann Helbig (2006a). Automatic knowledge acquisition by semantic analysis and assimilation of textual information. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2006, pp. 36-43. Konstanz, Germany. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:352-opus-20131.
Leveling, Johannes and Hermann Helbig (2006). Das NLI-Z39.50 - Natürlichsprachliche Informationssuche zur Verbesserung der Literaturrecherche. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2006, pp. 97-100. Konstanz, Germany.
Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2006b). Semantic interpretation of prepositions for NLP applications. In Proceedings of the Third ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions, pp. 29-36. Trento, Italy. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W06-2105.
Helbig, Hermann (2006). Knowledge Representation and the Semantics of Natural Language. Berlin: Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540244615.
Helbig, Hermann and Ingo Glöckner (2006). Towards a logical foundation of semantic networks: A typology of descriptive means for semantic inference. In Inference in Computational Semantics ICoS-5, Workshop Proceedings (edited by Bos, Johan and Alexander Koller), pp. 151-156. Buxton, UK.
Jenge, Constantin; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2006). Automatic control of simple language in web pages. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2006) (edited by Miesenberger, Klaus; Joachim Klaus; Wolfgang Zagler; and Arthur Karshmer), volume 4061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 207-214. Berlin: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11788713_31.
Osswald, Rainer; Hermann Helbig; and Sven Hartrumpf (2006). The representation of German prepositional verbs in a semantically based computer lexicon. In Proceedings of LREC 2006, pp. 461-464. Genoa, Italy. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/osswald_helbig_etal06.pdf.
Glöckner, Ingo and Hermann Helbig (2005). Wissensrepräsentation und Antwortfindung mit Mehrschichtigen Erweiterten Semantischen Netzen. Künstliche Intelligenz, 2:49-55.
Helbig, Hermann (2005b). Meaning representation with multilayered extended semantic networks. In Proceedings of the 18th Florida Artificial Intelligence Conference (FLAIRS-05), pp. 32-37.
Helbig, Hermann (2005a). Kurs 1697 - Künstliche Intelligenz und automatische Wissensverarbeitung. FernUniversität Hagen.
Lütticke, Rainer; Herrman Helbig; and Christian Eichhorn (2005). Das Virtuelle Informatik-Labor VILAB - Konzeption, technische Realisierung und Einsatz in der Lehre. Technical report, FernUniversität in Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/luetticke-helbig-eichhorn-2005-hagen.pdf.
Osswald, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2005). Derivational semantics in HaGenLex - an interim report. In Semantik im Lexikon (edited by Langer, Stefan and Daniel Schnorbusch), number 479 in Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, pp. 87-127. Tübingen: Narr.
Helbig, Hermann and Andreas Scherer (2004). Kurs 1830 - Neuronale Netze. FernUniversität Hagen.
Lütticke, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2004a). E-Learning im virtuellen Informatik-Labor VILAB. In Jahrbuch 2003 der Gesellschaft der Freunde der FernUniversität e.V., pp. 69-82. Gesellschaft der Freunde der FernUniversität e.V. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/luetticke-helbig-2004-hagen.pdf.
Lütticke, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2004c). Practical courses in distance education supported by an interactive tutoring component. In Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning, Proceedings of the 3rd EDEN Research Workshop (edited by Benrath, U. and A. Szücs), pp. 441-447. Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
Lütticke, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2004b). Lernmodule für die Medizinische Informatik im virtuellen Informatik-Labor VILAB. In Rechnergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin, Proceedings zum 8. Workshop der GMDS AG Computergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin (edited by Pöppl, S.; J. Bernauer; M. Fischer; R. Klar; J. Leven; F. Puppe; and K. Spitzer), pp. 77-88. Shaker Verlag.
Beierle, Christoph and Hermann Helbig (2003). Kurs 1601 - Formale Grundlagen der Informatik. FernUniversität Hagen.
Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2003). The semantically based computer lexicon HaGenLex - Structure and technological environment. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 44(2):81-105. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307175129.
Lütticke, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2003b). Problem solving in an interactive internet-based learning environment. In Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) 2003, International Workshop in Villach (Austria) (edited by Auer, M. and U. Auer). Kassel: University Press.
Lütticke, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2003a). Das Virtuelle Informatik Labor als Teil des Lernraums Virtuelle Universität der FU Hagen. In ... MOVING EXPERTISE ..., 17. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze (edited by von Knop, J. and W. Haverkamp), Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 363-370. Bonner Köllen Verlag.
Müller, T.; Rainer Lütticke; and Hermann Helbig (2003). Internet-basiertes Lernmodul für den natürlichsprachlichen Zugang zu einer medizinischen Datenbank. In Rechnergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin, Proceedings zum 7. Workshop der GMDS AG Computergestützte Lehr- und Lernsysteme in der Medizin (edited by Puppe, F.; J. Albert; J. Bernauer; M. Fischer; R. Klar; and J. Leven), pp. 68-79. Shaker.
Hartrumpf, Sven and Hermann Helbig (2002). The generation and use of layer information in multilayered extended semantic networks. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2002) (edited by Sojka, Petr; Ivan Kopeček; and Karel Pala), volume 2448 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 89-98. Brno, Czech Republic. http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/qdp316huhhhh/.
Leveling, Johannes and Hermann Helbig (2002). A robust natural language interface for access to bibliographic databases. In Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002) (edited by Callaos, Nagib; Maurice Margenstern; and Belkis Sanchez), volume XI, pp. 133-138. International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), Orlando, Florida.
Helbig, Hermann and Carsten Gnörlich (2002a). Multilayered Extended Semantic Networks as a language for meaning representation in NLP systems. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing 2002) (edited by Gelbukh, Alexander), volume 2276 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 69-85. Berlin: Springer.
Helbig, Hermann and Carsten Gnörlich (2002b). Multilayered extended semantic networks as a language for meaning representation in NLP systems. In Sinn und Bedeutung VI: Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Semantik (edited by Katz, Graham; Sabine Reinhard; and Philip Reuter), pp. 99-113. Osnabrück, Germany. http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/asw/gfs/common/procSuB6/sites/index2.htm.
Lütticke, Rainer; Carsten Gnörlich; and Hermann Helbig (2002c). VILAB - a virtual electronic laboratory for applied computer science. In Proceedings of the Conference Networked Learning in a Global Environment, pp. 135 + CD-ROM. Canada/The Netherlands: ICSC Academic Press.
Lütticke, Rainer; Carsten Gnörlich; and Hermann Helbig (2002a). Der Einsatz eines virtuellen Labors in der Informatik-Lehre. Softwaretechnik-Trends der GI, 22(3):57-59.
Lütticke, Rainer; Carsten Gnörlich; and Hermann Helbig (2002b). Internet-basierte Lehre im Rahmen von VILAB. In Informatik bewegt (edited by Schubert, S.; B. Reusch; and N. Jesse), volume P-19 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 293-296. Bonner Köllen Verlag.
Leveling, Johannes and Hermann Helbig (2001). DFG Projekt NLI-Z39.50 - Abschlußbericht und Evaluation. Technical report, Intelligente Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme, FernUniversität in Hagen.
Helbig, Hermann (2001). Die semantische Struktur natürlicher Sprache: Wissensrepräsentation mit MultiNet. Berlin: Springer. https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662043110.
Helbig, Hermann; Carsten Gnörlich; and Johannes Leveling (2000). Natürlichsprachlicher Zugang zu Informationsanbietern im Internet und zu lokalen Datenbanken. In Sprachtechnologie für eine dynamische Wirtschaft im Medienzeitalter (edited by Schmitz, Klaus-Dirk), pp. 79-94. Wien, Austria: TermNet.
Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; and Alois Knoll (1999). Content-based document retrieval using natural language. In Tagungsband zum Workshop “Virtuelle Wissensfabrik: Neue Techniken der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, der Strukturierung komplexer Informationen und deren Kommunikation in kooperativen Umgebungen”. Schloß Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin.
Knoll, Alois; Ingo Glöckner; Hermann Helbig; and Sven Hartrumpf (1998c). A system for the content-based retrieval of textual and non-textual documents using a natural language interface. Informatik-Bericht 232, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/ib232.pdf.
Helbig, Hermann (1998). Kurs 1699 - Automatische Sprachverarbeitung. FernUniversität Hagen.
Knoll, Alois; Christian Altenschmidt; Joachim Biskup; Hans-Martin Blüthgen; Ingo Glöckner; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; Christiane Henning; Yücel Karabulut; Reinhard Lüling; Burkhard Monien; Tobias Noll; and Norbert Sensen (1998a). An integrated approach to semantic evaluation and content-based retrieval of multimedia documents. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL'98) (edited by Nikolaou, Christos and Constantine Stephanidis), volume 1513 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 409-428. Berlin: Springer. http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/c5vuj896m0kyq11y/.
Knoll, Alois; Ingo Glöckner; and Hermann Helbig (1998b). Informationssuche in Multimedia-Dokumenten - Auf dem Weg zu einem Hochleistungs-Suchserver. Forschung an der Universität Bielefeld, 17.
Menke, Dirk; Carsten Gnörlich; and Hermann Helbig (1998). Access to bibliographic data bases - the provider agents in MeDoc. In Digital Libraries in Computer Science: The MeDoc Approach (edited by Barth, A.; A. Endres; A. de Kemp; and M. Breu), volume 1392 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 51-66. Berlin: Springer.
Helbig, Hermann and Sven Hartrumpf (1997). Word class functions for syntactic-semantic analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'97), pp. 312-317. Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig_hartrumpf97.pdf.
Helbig, Hermann (1997b). Multilayered extended semantic networks as an adequate formalism for meaning representation and cognitive modelling. In 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Helbig, Hermann (1997a). Der MESNET Primer - Die Darstellungsmittel der Mehrschichtigen Erweiterten Semantischen Netze. Technische Dokumentation, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann; Carsten Gnörlich; and Dirk Menke (1997). Realization of a user-friendly access to networked information retrieval systems. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Natural Language Processing for the World Wide Web, pp. 62-71. Stanford, California.
Helbig, Hermann and Marion Schulz (1997). Knowledge representation with MESNET: A multilayered extended semantic network. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Ontological Engineering, pp. 64-72. Stanford, California.
Schulz, Marion; Andreas Mertens; and Hermann Helbig (1997). Präpositionsanalyse im System LINAS. In Lexikalische und grammatische Eigenschaften präpositionaler Elemente (edited by Haumann, Dagmar and Stefan Schierholz), number 371 in Linguistische Arbeiten, pp. 105-121. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Schulz, Marion and Hermann Helbig (1996). COLEX: Ein Computerlexikon für die automatische Sprachverarbeitung. Informatik-Bericht 210, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann (1996). Künstliche Intelligenz und automatische Wissensverarbeitung. Berlin: Verlag Technik, second edition.
Helbig, Hermann; Carsten Gnörlich; and Dirk Menke (1996). Realization of a user-friendly access to networked information retrieval systems. Informatik-Bericht 196, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann and Marion Schulz (1996). Knowledge representation with MESNET - A multilayered extended semantic network. Informatik-Berichte 197, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann (1995). Kurs 1698 - Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz. FernUniversität Hagen.
Helbig, Hermann and Claus Herold (1995). MESNET - A Multilayered Extended Semantic Network. Informatik-Bericht 185, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann and Andreas Mertens (1995). The Word Class Agent Machine. Informatik-Bericht 169, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig-mertens-1995-hagen.pdf.
Mertens, Andreas; Marion Schulz; and Hermann Helbig (1995). Analyse mit Wortagenten im NLP-System LINAS. In Angewandte Computerlinguistik. Vorträge im Rahmen der Jahrestagung 1995 der Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung (GLDV), Regensburg, 30.-31. März (edited by Hitzenberger, Ludwig), number 15 in Sprache und Computer, pp. 63-75. Hildesheim: Olms.
Schulz, Marion; Andreas Mertens; and Hermann Helbig (1995). Dynamische Präpositionsanalyse mit Hilfe von Lexikon und Wortagenten im System LINAS. In Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik. Beiträge zur 5. Fachtagung der Sektion Computerlinguistik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS-CL 95), Düsseldorf, 04.-06. Oktober 1995 (edited by Kilbury, James and Richard Wiese), pp. 96-101. Düsseldorf.
Helbig, Hermann (1994a). Der Einsatz von Wortklassenagenten für die automatische Sprachverarbeitung - Teil II - Die vier Verarbeitungsstufen. Informatik-Bericht 159, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig-1994-hagen.pdf.
Helbig, Hermann (1994b). Kurs 1697 - Künstliche Intelligenz und automatische Wissensverarbeitung. FernUniversität Hagen.
Helbig, Hermann; Claus Herold; and Marion Schulz (1994a). A three level classification of entities for knowledge representation systems. Informatik-Bericht 162, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Helbig, Hermann and Andreas Mertens (1994a). Der Einsatz von Wortklassenagenten für die automatische Sprachverarbeitung - Teil I - Überblick über das Gesamtsystem. Informatik-Bericht 158, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig-mertens-1994-hagen.pdf.
Helbig, Hermann and Andreas Mertens (1994b). Word Agent Based Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the 8th Twente Workshop on Language Technology - Speech and Language Engineering, Twente, 1 and 2 December 1994 (edited by Boves, Loe and Anton Nijholt), pp. 65-74. Universiteit Twente, Fakulteit Informatica, Enschede.
Helbig, Hermann; Andreas Mertens; and Marion Schulz (1994b). Die Rolle des Lexikons bei der Disambiguierung. In KONVENS-94 - Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (edited by Trost, Harald), pp. 151-160. Berlin.
Helbig, Hermann; Andreas Mertens; and Marion Schulz (1994c). Disambiguierung mit Wortklassenagenten. Informatik-Bericht 168, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen. https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/helbig/papers/helbig-mertens-schulz-1994-hagen.pdf.
Böttger, M.; Hermann Helbig; F. Ficker; and F. Zänker (1991). Parallelen zwischen den Komponenten des natürlichsprachlichen Interfaces NLI-AIDOS und dem zugrundeliegenden Informationsrecherchesystem. In Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten: 4. Internationaler GI-Kongreß Wissensbasierte Systeme, Proc. (edited by Brauer, W. and D. Hernandez), pp. 207-218. Berlin: Springer.
Helbig, Hermann; H. Böttger; F. Ficker; P. String; and F. Zänker (1990). The natural language interface NLI-AIDOS. Journal of New Generation Computing Systems, pp. 221-246.
Helbig, Hermann (1986b). Syntactic-semantic analysis of natural language by a new word-class controlled functional analysis. Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 5(1):53-59.
Helbig, Hermann (1986a). Necessary contributions of cognitive psychology to computer knowledge representation. In Proc. MACINTER-Conference: Man-computer interaction research (edited by Klix, F. and H. Wandtke), pp. 89-96. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland.
Helbig, Hermann (1984). Natural language access to the database of the AIDOS/VS information retrieval system. In Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots (edited by Plander, I.), pp. 171-174. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland.
Helbig, Hermann (1983). Semantische Repräsentation von Wissen in einem Frage-Antwort-System. Dissertation B (Habilitation), Part I+II, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
Helbig, Hermann (1982). On the relationship between AI knowledge representation via semantic networks and relational data models. In Proc. 2-nd Symp. on AI and information-control systems of robots, pp. 115-118. Smolenice CSSR.
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Helbig, Hermann (1979). Das Frage-Antwort-System FAS-80 und seine Anwendung zur Verwaltung von Programmbibliotheken. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Algorithms, pp. 271-276. Strbske Pleso, CSSR.
Helbig, Hermann (1977). A new method for deductive answer finding in a question-answering system. In Proceedings IFIP Congress (edited by Gilchrist, Bruce), Information Processing, pp. 389-393. IFIP, North-Holland.
Helbig, Hermann (1976). FM72 - ein System zur symbolischen Formelmanipulation. Dissertation A, Technische Hochschule Chemnitz, Chemnitz.
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