Publications by Rainer Osswald

Helbig, Hermann and Rainer Osswald (2013). Electronic dictionaries for question answering and natural language database access. In Dictionaries. An International Encyklopedia of Lexicography (HSK 5.4) (edited by Gouws, Rufus; Ulrich Heid; Wolfgang Schweickard; and Herbert Wiegand). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Helbig, Hermann; Ingo Glöckner; and Rainer Osswald (2008). Layer structures and conceptual hierarchies in semantic representations for NLP. In CICLing 2008 (edited by Gelbukh, Alexander), volume 4919 of LNCS, pp. 171-182. Berlin: Springer.

Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2007). Automatic semantic analysis for NLP applications. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 26(2):241-266.

Leveling, Johannes; Sven Hartrumpf; and Rainer Osswald (2007). Semantic analysis and concept-based translation for multilingual information systems. In 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, Schlüsselqualifikation Sprache, Anforderungen - Standards - Vermittlung (edited by Lenz, Friedrich), pp. 68-69. Hildesheim, Germany: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik. Printed Abstracts.

Socher, Richard; Chris Biemann; and Rainer Osswald (2007). Combining contexts in lexicon learning for semantic parsing. In Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2007) (edited by Nivre, Joakim; Heiki-Jaan Kaalep; Kadri Muischnek; and Mare Koit), pp. 175-182. Tartu, Estonia.

Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2006a). An architecture for controlling simple language in web pages. eMinds: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, 1(2):93-112.

Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; Johannes Leveling; and Rainer Osswald (2006). An architecture for rating and controlling text readability. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2006, pp. 32-35. Konstanz, Germany.

Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2006b). Semantic interpretation of prepositions for NLP applications. In Proceedings of the Third ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions, pp. 29-36. Trento, Italy.

Biemann, Chris and Rainer Osswald (2006). Automatic extension of feature-based semantic lexicons via contextual attributes. In From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (edited by Spiliopoulou, M.; R. Kruse; C. Borgelt; A. Nürnberger; and W. Gaul), Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pp. 326-333. Berlin: Springer.

Jenge, Constantin; Sven Hartrumpf; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2006). Automatic control of simple language in web pages. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2006) (edited by Miesenberger, Klaus; Joachim Klaus; Wolfgang Zagler; and Arthur Karshmer), volume 4061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 207-214. Berlin: Springer.

Osswald, Rainer (2006a). Constructing lexical semantic hierarchies from binary semantic features. In Contributions to the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2006) (edited by Hitzler, Pascal; Henrik Schärfe; and Peter Øhrstrøm), pp. 131-144. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press.

Osswald, Rainer (2006b). On formal objects. In Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI - The History of the Concept of the Formal Sciences (edited by Löwe, Benedikt; Volker Peckhaus; and Thoralf Räsch), number 3 in Studies in Logic, pp. 183-198. London: College Publications.

Osswald, Rainer; Hermann Helbig; and Sven Hartrumpf (2006). The representation of German prepositional verbs in a semantically based computer lexicon. In Proceedings of LREC 2006, pp. 461-464. Genoa, Italy.

Biemann, Chris and Rainer Osswald (2005). Automatische Erweiterung eines semantikbasierten Lexikons durch Bootstrapping auf großen Korpora. In Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Ressourcen - Beiträge zur GLDV-Tagung 2005 in Bonn (edited by Fisseni, Bernhard; Hans-Christian Schmitz; Bernhard Schröder; and Petra Wagner), pp. 15-27. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Glöckner, Ingo; Sven Hartrumpf; and Rainer Osswald (2005). From GermaNet glosses to formal meaning postulates. In Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Ressourcen - Beiträge zur GLDV-Tagung 2005 in Bonn (edited by Fisseni, Bernhard; Hans-Christian Schmitz; Bernhard Schröder; and Petra Wagner), pp. 394-407. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Osswald, Rainer (2005c). Concept hierarchies from a logical point of view. In ICFCA-2005 International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis - Supplementary Volume (edited by Ganter, B.; R. Godin; and E. M. Nguifo), pp. 15-30. Lens, France: IUT de Lens.

Osswald, Rainer (2005a). Assertions, conditionals, and defaults. In Conditionals, Information, and Inference: International Workshop, WCII 2002, Revised Selected Papers (edited by Kern-Isberner, Gabriele; Wilhelm Rödder; and Friedhelm Kulmann), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3301, pp. 108-130. Berlin: Springer.

Osswald, Rainer (2005d). On result nominalization in German. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9 (edited by Maier, Emar; Corien Bary; and Janneke Huitink), pp. 256-270. Nijmegen: NCS.

Osswald, Rainer (2005b). A categorical framework for translating between conceptual hierarchies. In Proceedings of the KI-2005 Workshop on Foundational Aspects of Ontologies (edited by Hitzler, Pascal; Carsten Lutz; and Gerd Stumme), Fachberichte Informatik 9/2005, pp. 17-33. Koblenz: Universität Koblenz-Landau.

Osswald, Rainer and Hermann Helbig (2005). Derivational semantics in HaGenLex - an interim report. In Semantik im Lexikon (edited by Langer, Stefan and Daniel Schnorbusch), number 479 in Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, pp. 87-127. Tübingen: Narr.

Osswald, Rainer (2004a). Die Verwendung von GermaNet zur Pflege und Erweiterung des Computerlexikons HaGenLex. LDV Forum, 19(1/2):43-51.

Osswald, Rainer (2004b). Eine Werkbank zur Erstellung und Pflege des semantikbasierten Computerlexikons HaGenLex. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2004 (edited by Buchberger, Ernst), Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence, Band 5, pp. 149-152. Wien.

Osswald, Rainer (2004c). Two views on building conceptual hierarchies. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Conditionals, Information, and Inference (edited by Kern-Isberner, Gabriele; Wilhelm Rödder; and Friedhelm Kulmann), pp. 29-42. Ulm, September 21.

Hartrumpf, Sven; Hermann Helbig; and Rainer Osswald (2003). The semantically based computer lexicon HaGenLex - Structure and technological environment. Traitement Automatique des Langues, 44(2):81-105.

Osswald, Rainer (2003). Generic ontology of linguistic classification. In Foundations of the Formal Sciences II - Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics (edited by Löwe, Benedikt; Wolfgang Malzkorn; and Thoralf Räsch), Trends in Logic 17, pp. 203-212. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Osswald, Rainer and Wiebke Petersen (2003). A logical approach to data driven classification. In KI-2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2821, pp. 267-281. Berlin: Springer.

Osswald, Rainer (2002). A Logic of Classification - with Applications to Linguistic Theory. Ph.D. thesis, FernUniversität Hagen, Fachbereich Informatik, Hagen, Germany.

Osswald, Rainer and Wiebke Petersen (2002). Induction of classifications from linguistic data. In Proceedings of the ECAI-Workshop on Advances in Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Lyon.

Naumann, Ralf and Rainer Osswald (2002). A dynamic modal arrow logic for the analysis of aspectual phenomena in natural language. In Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (edited by de Jongh, Dick; Marie Nilsenová; and Henk Zeevat). Amsterdam: ILLC.

Osswald, Rainer (2001). Classifying classification. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Formal Grammar and Mathematics of Language (FG/MOL-01) (edited by Kruijff, Geert-Jan; Larry Moss; and Dick Oehrle), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 53.

Naumann, Ralf and Rainer Osswald (1999). Aspects of `until'. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (edited by Bunt, Harry C. and E. G. C. Thijsse), pp. 191-203. Tilburg: Tilburg University.

Osswald, Rainer (1999a). On conditional information in feature-based theories. In Proceedings of the 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language, pp. 89-104. Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida.

Osswald, Rainer (1999b). Semantics for attribute-value theories. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium (edited by Dekker, Paul), pp. 199-204. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, ILLC.

Osswald, Rainer (1997). Grammatisches Sprachkönnen und psychische Realität. In Proceedings der 3. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft (edited by Krause, Werner; Uwe Kotkamp; and Ralf Goertz), pp. 145-147. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität.

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