Intelligent Information and Communication Systems
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Lab Station 1|
Example out of LS1|
Lab Station 2|
Lab Station 3|
Lab Station 4|
Example out of LS4|
Lab Station 5|
Example out of LS5|
Lab Station 6|
Lab Station 7|
Lab Station 8|

Lab Station 5: Computational Lexicon and Language Comprehension

This lab station is used as a basis for extending and applying the knowledge acquired in the courses 1699 (Automatic Natural Language Processing) and 1833 (Knowledge Representation and the Semantics of Natural Language).
Furthermore, the lab station can be used in other courses about intelligent information systems.


This lab station offers an exercise on the semantic interpretation of prepositional phrases. In this context, students use the WOCADI parser, a parser based on word-class controlled functional analysis.


Knowledge about the computational lexicon HaGenLeX and the WOCADI parser.

Link to other lab stations

This lab station is linked with LS4.

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Hermann Helbig | 08.12.2020
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